Hi y'all! So guess where I am?! Brooklyn, baby! And man, am I happy to be back. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade my Harvard experience for anything (well, 50K a year for the rest of my life for free....maybe) but it's time had come to an end. Naturally. And really, with a dorm room that looked like this by the time I left....

...can you blame me?
I didn't think so.
Many of you have asked how my final crit went. Well, it was a good crit...a mixed review of accurate assessment which boiled down to...they loved the hill...they yawned at the courtyard....and that was pretty much how I felt too. Who needs that courtyard. My favorite comment was "I think you let the boundaries of the building limit your thinking in the courtyard. I want to see the corten steel supporting your hillside land forms move through the building and into the courtyard. Forget the building. Break it apart." Which is pretty indicative of how the design program at Harvard approaches all challenges. Forget reality. If you can think it, do it. User needs? Fuck 'em. If the design is cool then usage is secondary. Hmmmm....I think I'll digest that one a little further.
Which brings us to the other question y'all have on the tips of your tongues. What am I going to do with all of this information I have gathered over the last six weeks? Well, for the immediate future I am going to relax in Brooklyn and bask in the joys of normalcy. No grueling schedule, no clay, no superglue, no pink panty hose. Just blue skies, yoga, pedicures, and seeing all of you again. After the dust settles a bit I'll see what I think of next steps. But watch out if I show up your house with a little corten steel.
In the meantime, I'm contemplating my next blog. I can't help myself anymore. I'm addicted to blogging. What shall I call it? Back in Brooklyn? Stay tuned.
Peace out Harvard. B