Monday, August 27, 2007

Post school

Hi ho! It's your long lost friend Brittan back on the blogging duties. I know you may be wondering what I have been doing since I got back from Harvard and it falls into many categories. First and foremost, I relaxed. I took two weeks and had a summer. And man, did I enjoy it. Franklin and I settled into a real apartment (with a real bed, kitchen and even a bathroom that didn't require a key and a walk down a flight of stairs) and we took advantage of the weather and all that Brooklyn/NY has to offer. Do you want to know about the Red Hook swimming pool? We can tell you. Do you need information about the Circle Line cruises? We've got the 411. Are you debating which summer releases to go see? We'll offer our recommendations. And let me point something out in those last sentences. "We, We've, We'll". Yes, Franklin and I are "going steady" and cohabitating in NY. A month after our return from Boston his bags no longer reside on my living room and/or bedroom floor. Look in the second drawer of my dresser and you will see boy things. Slide back the medicine cabinet door and you will see his mouthwash and shaving cream rubbing shoulders with my deodorant and hair products. And while this is not his permanent residence (he lives in Orlando folks...I know...we'll talk about that one another time) he has a space with me between gigs and visits to Orlando.

On other fronts, I believe last I wrote I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my new found skills in clay modeling and section drawing. As of right now I am not planning to go back to school for Landscape Architecture. I came to the decision for some practical reasons (after three expensive school years I would be in debt beyond my means...assuming a starting salary of 40K a year once I got out) and some not so practical reasons (I really love making things but what I love making the most is art). I am opting to find a different route. I don't know what it is yet but find a route I shall. Because while I am very lucky to freelance in my industry...well, real fulfillment lies elsewhere for me. And I plan to unearth the sleeping fish and make it swim. Look for water to be a prominent theme in the search. Fountains anyone? In the meantime, I am back to art making (pictures to follow soon) and considering other job options to tide me over till the jump is made. I'll let you know what pops up.

There is much more to tell but I'll be back for the rest. If for no other reason than to post photos of an impromptu party that swept through my apartment a couple of weeks ago. Mario, beware the photos I upload! Till then...peace. Brittan

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