I realize that I was remiss in my Kenny duties earlier but that is because Kenny has fallen out of my view a bit. My tunnel vision has set in and I have also realized that a little Kenny goes a long way. That being said, here is the latest that I know. He told the old girlfriend not to come visit...god knows what that means for him when he returns to his school of 300 people (total) in the fall and sees her every day (oy!) but that is how he chose to play it. Librarian...god knows. School...I heard rumblings today that he was pissed about something that happened in his program but I don't have details. I can say that Kenny's rumblings, and most anything Kenny related, is heard loud and clear through all of the GSD. A loud crash. Kenny. A sharp peal of laughter followed by "Yea man!". Kenny. A nuclear bomb. Kenny. I will see if some of that exuberance carries details my way soon.
On the home desk front...I've had time to snap the latest in my ode to messiness. Below is the model I was talking about earlier along with a million other things I just can't find the time or desire to clear off my work surface. I'm in hog heaven.

My butt mate by comparison keeps her desk pristine. Care to comparison shop?

But now I must away to dinner. The guilt is in full swing though so keep your eyes peeled. More on the way. BB
Big Papi loves a messy desk...!
Do you want to go steady with me?
I have some urban planning I needs some help with!
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