Tuesday, July 17, 2007

in demand

Hey all...so I was not so subtley told by Julyne to update my blog...her exact words were, "ummmm, update your blog lady". And since I'm so accomadating...well. Here I am. But there will be no photos today. Just a down and dirty update.

First of all, I was briefly in NY last weekend. Which rocked. But threw me out of the Boston/school mode a little bit. So let's just call last week a wash as far as school goes. I was here and we all worked but none of us liked the assignment that much and by Friday I was ready for several beers and a long nap. Which I got. This week is much better. It's all about how messy can Brittan get. Today I am making a model for our latest project (model making, I've discovered, is something I love) and it requires a LOT of cardboard and elmers glue. I daily scrub my fingers trying to delete the gummed up mess of paint and glue and god knows what else from my nail beds before heading home. As I've been prone to say, "God made dirt, and Dirt don't hurt." But it doesn't always bode well for eating out at fancy restaurants. Not that I'm partaking of fancy meals while here. But I'm just sayin'.

What else....last night I went to a Boston Red Sox/Kansas City Royals game at Fenway. Franklin is back in town and he and I cheered on our respective teams (I rooted a bit for both, I admit...) but alas, the Royals lost...much to the joy of the rabid fans that packed the stands. I highly recommend a trip to Fenway for anyone visiting Boston. Old School kickin' it baseball style. Way better than any fancy new stadium I've seen in my limited baseball viewing life.

There is a lot more to tell but I need to get back to the model at hand....I promise to be more prolific with the blog in the next week and a half. And then, sniff, it's all over. Crazy!

Talk to you all soon. See many of you soon as well. B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!